[Printing and dyeing, weaving industry probability still has a downward trend]
Release date:[2024/7/22] Read a total of[79]time

The price increase is over, and the price is partly down

Since June, the spot liquidity of staple fiber has continued to tighten, factory inventories are at a low level, and the base difference of staple fiber and processing fees have gradually strengthened. Filament manufacturers began to focus on the new model of "anchoring processing fees to reverse adjust the operating rate" to support the price and profit war, and mainstream staple fiber manufacturers immediately "have a sample", and the price attitude is more determined.

Filament, from late May to early July, nearly 6 weeks, polyester filament ushered in a continuous rise, the cumulative increase is not small, the price fluctuation of different specifications is basically between 500-700 yuan/ton.

In terms of short fiber, since June 18, the closing price of the main contract of short fiber has risen from 7,440 yuan/ton to more than 7,800 yuan/ton.

However, last week, the price of polyester filament remained weak and stable, and the price of polyester staple fiber began to correction, and the price of polyester filament in some polyester factories fell this week.

Profits are recovering and demand is shrinking

The fall in raw material prices is related to the reduction in demand and the restoration of profits.

Upstream, this year polyester back to the boom cycle, supply and demand pattern expected preference, in June under the filament and staple fiber meeting agreement, the filament factory gradually implement production reduction, according to the head and surrounding filament factory production reduction of 10%, affecting polyester load in 3-4%, the current polyester load from April high 93% fell to close to 88% load.

From the profit point of view, with the upstream PX, PTA prices continue to fall, polyester filament profit has actually returned to a more reasonable range.

In the downstream aspect, the recent printing and dyeing and weaving industry has a declining trend, the new order is not good, the workshop is not enough, and the workshop rotation is the norm. Domestic trade in the autumn and winter there are signs of start-up, but only just need a small order issued, the market has not been fully implemented, the local dyeing factory within the week is still at a low level, the market has not been significantly positive, and into the high temperature and hot weather, some weaving manufacturers open probability decline, especially the round machine open probability is at a low level, water spray open probability is still high. Taking into account the high temperature, rainy season, cost and low demand under the drag, manufacturers' risk aversion is rising, in the short term, printing and dyeing, weaving industry still has a downward trend.

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